I’m not back (yet). I’m just dropping in to say hi, and to promote the cool suggestion Ibid made in the comments on the previous cartoon: how about some Happysad fan art then? How about YOU creating some HS stuff while I’m enjoying my break? It’s been done before, you know, by Joke and Mike.
Here, to set the bar, is Ibid’s own entry:
In his own words: “Now I remember why I let “Super Stickman” die after high school. I
draw like I’ve got Parkinson’s.”
Well I like it
(If you’d like to show off your own mad skillz – mail your contribution to kartoen (at) gmail (dot) com!)
Gives me ideas. . . . .
Go on, then.
oh wow! cool! i miss happy sad…
Woo! This sounds like fun. Count me in.
K I just send one. Hope it’s worth posting.
What’s that giant vibrator doing on the beach?
One order of fan art, coming up
wow, its been like a year already since i made that fan art..
thanks jeroen for posting it up again!
sorry, for the very late comment..
(my fiance just gave birth to our little daughter, last March 18th!) ^_^
so, i have a lot of back-readin’ to do..
had a lot of flashbacks..
wow, how different life now is, in just 1 year..
i miss those days, felt like 2007 just whizzed by..
and now am a father and not single anymore *sniff* :p
but am still gonna be a fan..
coz once upon a time in my life, i was happysad too..
and hey,
you have a new little fan!
- Mike ^_^