Dropping by

Hey. How ‘s everyone doing? Hanging on without your Happysad fixes? Well the good news is that inspiration is starting to seep back in, so I’ll get started again pretty soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy this cool fanart Ibid sent me:


Feel like giving it a go yourself? Be my guest, and send it to kartoen@gmail.com. Not that artistically inclined but still bored? Why not pay a visit to my little t-shirt shop on Cafepress? It’s the one that says “We are ALWAYS fully stocked”. And if you’re on Facebook, we can always do with even more company in the Happysad Cartoon Fans group!

That’s it for now, buh-bye!

6 thoughts on “Dropping by

  1. We can’t help it, checking the ring finger is an automatic, subconscous action :p

    Well, that and guys are pretty easy to confuse anyway

  2. After the disaster that was my art in my previous attempt at fan art I felt that raiding the archives for original art to Photoshop together seemed a better way to go.

  3. so true. i dumped 2 womens befor in my life because of rings. i actually found out later that it was jewelry. you capture ma life dude :D

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