Yep, she made a contribution too!
Now, before we get to it, all the guys reading this should first check out what “felting” is, before they get any weird ideas: wikipedia article. Yeah I didn’t know it either, at first.
Thanks sweetie! See you soon
You two just have to rub it in, don’t you?
Thx for the wiki link
I can so picture this.. lol
That is awesome, you are awesome and SHE definitely is awesome!
Haha nice one. My wife likes felting too but she never felted my face for me;(
Your face probably consists of more than two dots and a line..
awwwww <3
This strip was inspired by felting a big white ball in my bath but I didn’t really make it a face as I got the idea many days later. I’m slow…
So Jippus your wife could still be the first to felt a face. You just have to be very inspiring
@funnelwebkitten (blushes)
Ok, NOW I understand what this ‘felting’ is.. I saw it as something, oh-so-very-dirty at first (3rd time I’m trying to add this comment.. lets see if it sticks this time..)
nice! the wiki link was definitely required
uh-oh.. it wasn’t just the guys who had to read the wikipedia article first….
oh well, a dirty mind is a joy forever