In case you would have missed the latest post on the Facebook Happysad fan page yesterday: my old friend Bart inspired me to come up with this creation here:
I call it Happycat.
Word has it that using cat characters hugely increases your internet fame (well, on Reddit perhaps…). So, internet, should I start a new series with this feline hero? (I’ll give you a hint: probably not).
Yes, please. Beating Garfield in funniness shouldn’t be too hard anyway. FTW, furry feline friend
Beating Garfield is hard, and probably impossible, but you should try anyway! You can also use sloth, or hedgehog – zebras and penguins should be good, and they are black and white so less trouble ;P
Yeah! Happycat FTW! Looking forward to it.
It might as well be a cat
as long as we get some comics!
I wonder if the cat has more or less luck with the opposite sex (or maybe it’s gay..?) so many options. We just neeeed to know now!
Happycat? Sounds great to me.
YES! Absolutely YES!
Awesome a happy cat!