Game, set, match (#1000!)

There, that was Happysad #1000! I hope you won’t mind me taking a longer break now. Not only do I need one to refresh my batteries, as ever so often, I also need time to think about where I want to go from here on.

To be honest, I have been thinking about calling it quits. Partly because it’s getting ever harder to come up with new ideas. Partly because I think one of my recent commenters (who shall remain nameless for his personal safety) was right when he pointed out I’ve been dwelling over the same issue for three years now. Three years!! Sometimes I feel that Happysad, ironically, could be interfering with my real life. I don’t want it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy – or a self-destroying prophecy, depending on how you look at it.

But then again, I love making these cartoons, I love the comments and compliments I get from all over the world, and after a thousand gags, Happysad is stuck somewhere in the back of my head so I’ll always keep coming up with new ideas. So it’s a bit of a dilemma. I still wish for a happy ending for the little guy, but that’s just not possible right now. I know what you’re thinking: I can make up whatever I want, so why not draw him finding the girl of his dreams and have some fun with that? Well here’s the catch: there is a difference between making something up, and lying. I don’t lie.

Anyway, time will tell. I’ll let you know. But right now, I think I’ll have a drink.

107 thoughts on “Game, set, match (#1000!)

  1. DO NOT QUIT!!!!


    I only found your comics about two months ago, and it’s all fresh to me! You’re one of my top three favourite webcomics!

  2. whatever you decide, your creativity surely won’t let you rest on your laurels. so i’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing you around, this way or another. and no, have a drink, you’ve earned it. na zdrowie.

  3. Cheers Jeroen ;)

    I hope that even if this is the end of HappySad, the next project will be another great success :) 352 people on facebook, daily readers, people making “awww” over the world reading your cartoon to their morning coffee, or thinking “wow! just like me!”. From this site I have learnt that no matter where we live, no matter if we are male/female, and how old we are, we all share the same feelings. Identical. You speak for the crowds, in few sentences, or just by a good facial expression. That’s BIG, that’s GREAT. You achieved something special. Be proud!

    Thank you for those 1000 cartoons.
    Hope to hear from you soon ;)

  4. Enjoy your rest! I do hope you’ll come back to this, maybe something else for a change and this once in a while? whatever you need to do to keep yourself motivated. but we love this, and you are just to good.

  5. A couple of months ago the comic was getting pretty boring (in my opinion), but lately it’s been fun again. Anyway, why don’t you just stop releasing a new one every day but rather when you’ve got a nice idea? You’re not obliged to come up with new stuff, so you don’t have to ruin the story just because you’ve signed a contract – and this gives you the freedom to do what you want to do.

    P.S. I’m happy you’re not intending to give him a happy ending, it’ll definitely feel like cheating and live a bad taste in my mouth. :)

  6. Well done Jeroen :) And now for some begging: pllllllllease don’t quit? You don’t have to lie, but maybe turn the attention to the strip on other things in yo^H^H^Hthe little guys life? Surely he must do something else than draw and sob from time to time? :)

    Here’s cheering for, if not another 1000, then at least loads of good times :)

  7. Congrats Jeroen! 1000 is an amazing achievement! I still very much enjoy reading your insightful little thoughts, and hope you will still enjoy turning them into Happysads after your break!

    (I love #1000 by the way, great pun to sum it up!)

  8. Congratulations on making 1000! I still read them everyday and will continue to do so for as long as they are still going. Why not do the XKCD thing of doing it Monday, Wednesday and Friday until you get to 150 and see how you go from there?

  9. Gratz on the 1000th comic, long time reader first time commenter here, and your comics make my day. So thank you for that. ^^

    Take a well earned rest, looking forward to what you come up with next. =]

  10. Congrats on #1000! Perfect episode for perfect ending!
    We all wish you to be happy, even if you stop creating Happysad anymore.
    Just, please remember of all these good people that have visited your page and have read everything you put.
    Remember them, and if you decide to stop with Happysad, there is no reason you make something from time to time, just to keep us updated about that little guy. Turn the light again from time to time…
    We found food for our soul’s here…

  11. Whatever you do, remember that this little corner of the internets will always be grateful for the fun, joy and yes the little tinges of sadness that you gave me.

    Thank you and enjoy your break and if you come back, thats wonderful, and if not, I have enjoyed sharing your world for a little bit.

    Love, and yes I mean love,


  12. I have to agree with Boodie and some of the others before.
    Thank You for all the comics! If You want to quit, then do quit! But anytime You – and the Happysad guy – feel like returning, you will be always welcome back…

    mofo from Hungary

  13. You’re still my #1 favourite web cartoon and whatever you choose do is fine with me, as I’m sure it is with your other followers.

    I’m not sure I can believe that this is number 1000 though, but as I have my unique Happy-Sad T-shirt (and it’s spare!), and I’ll keep on reading the website for as long as you choose to keep on updating it.

    Happy number one thousand. :-)

  14. Congrats on your 1000th happysad webcomic :)

    Had hoped for a bit happier comic for the 1000th, but still liked it very much.
    Take whatever time you need for a break and than decide what you want to do. :)

  15. Congrats on #1000! Whatever you decide, you’ve earned a top spot in my daily webcomics. Your comics are good enough to go back a read again, and again, and again, and again (get the picture?). Have a nice break! I really hope you continue to find inspiration for Happysad!

  16. Congratz on the 1000th gag! A well deserved break idd! I really hope you won’t stop though. :) I enjoyed all of your comics. And honestly, they remind me so much of my own life.

  17. Hiiiiiiiiiiii!

    Well, unspected cartoon for the no. 1000, but really catches the essence of the whooole serie.

    I join to the congratulations, isn’t easy to drawn 1000 strips, and trying to keep it fresh and funny. You made it man!

    Whatever you decide to do in this break, I hope it would be for good and sane.

    Best wishes and hugs

  18. Congratulations for the 1000!!(again:)

    Even if this turns out to be a story with an open end, we will be waitting for the sequell.

    life takes its own time, and so do true stories.

    take your time, take your life back. In the meanwhile, could you please think about publishing this on paper?

    I loved it all for the unique sense of authenticity you’ve accomplished.

    I will definitely keep passing by ;)

  19. So I know you probably get hundreds of messages/comments of “wow I’m in the exact same situation” and what not, but I wanted to throw one more your way. I found your comic probably a little under a year ago, and archive binged it in a matter of 24 hours. It was very easy for me to keep a specific person in mind, and draw parallels to a lot of the situations. Even the time line fits, me having fallen for her about 3 years ago. Your comic has gone a long way towards keeping me sane through this “ordeal” so I am of course hoping you don’t quit.

  20. Congratulations on number 1000!!! Enjoy your rest and the drink, you totally deserve it!
    it would be wonder full to see this in book form no matter what you decide to do from here :)

  21. In my country we use to say “mil gracias” (a thousand thanks) when we are very grateful. So J, mil gracias for your 1000 comic strips, a truly and emotional mirror to most of our lives, an amazing way to spend time and have fun. You have now our laughs, our tears and our “awwws”, so keep them a treasure and be proud of yourself.

    Take a huge vacations -you deserve them-, relax, have a whale of time and enjoy every single day. We’ll miss you, but as the first commenters said, I feel you’ll be back here with new ideas… that little guy’s gonna have a happy ending, and it won’t be a lie!


  22. Aw man, I’m gonna miss you and that little guy! My morning coffee is really only complete with a happysad… But I really do wish you a great time and much new inspiration on your break. And If you really do quit… well, I understand. Three years and a thousand funnies, thats alot man and kinda hard to keep up.
    I just am still really hoping for that little guy to find love and start bitching about the way she hangs the toiletpaper or something ;)

  23. Congratulations! Was nice found this webcomic. Many times you made me smile in sad days and many times you draw what was happening in my own life.

  24. so many people before have told the same thing in so much better words than i can even think of…this comic has made me realise tht feelins are the purest thing on this planet…n even if it hurts…laughing abt it makes it feel better…..we r gona miss u….u knw..even if u dnt draw these cartoons…pls drop by n leave msgs for us on a regular basis…take care n al the best.

  25. i’m horribly late with commenting. ah, but jeroen, you need to do what’s best for you. i would miss happysad, but it would be greater knowledge knowing that you’re happier in your life. . even if that means no happysad.

  26. Hmmmmmmm…
    After all these nice comments, there is always one thing repeating…
    “Little guy”….I’ve said it myself…

    It’s so obvious what should be the sequel, if it ever happens…

    Little guy should grow up!
    Making decisions that will affect the rest of his life, but not necessarily the one’s that he wished for.

  27. Hey Jeroen,

    first of all: congrats! Reaching a milestone of a 1000 comics AND getting so much praise isn’t an easy feat!

    Secondly: take a break, a long break, a well deserved break.

    Thirdly: it’s your comic, it’s your creation, you call the shots here. So if you feel like ending it right here right now, it’s your decision and everyone has to respect it. So don’t worry about any pressure.

    Enjoy that break! And thanks for all the laughter & sweet moments.

  28. I wanna say a big Congratulations on 1000 strips! I’ve loved reading through all of them. I would love for you to carry on with them but I also think that if you wanted to let it rest, here could be a good chance to try something different. Either way, I’d like to say please don’t stop all together and keep going on with something. Congratulations again and enjoy yourself. :)

  29. CONGRATULATIONS…but please…don’t quit!!…well…it’s been to much…you’re such a genious!!

    But before you leave…you should make one set of t-shirts with some of your favorite happysad cartoons…and i’ll do anything to get one…

    I’m from Mexico…and i’m a woman who has lived the same kind of situation with a guy…for 4 years!!! so…you can still write for a bot more time…

    CONGRATULATIONS again…you’re one of the best!!!!!

  30. @Jeroen: there seems to be a small problem with comment submission, some php errors appear, but the comment is submitted successfully.

  31. I’m pretty sure that’s not actually Jeroen, he doesn’t have the blue box around his name and Jeroen is on break right now so i don’t see how that is likely.

  32. I’m pretty sure that’s no actually Jeroen. The blue box around his name is missing and also Jeroen himself stated that he would be away for a while on break.

  33. Thanks for a #1000 of great, funny and sad comics.

    You will always be welcome back – you won’t be removed from my RSS-feed-list. ;)

    I wish you a good time on the your next step in the life. :)

  34. Strange how we never truly value anything until reach that crossroads, the time when you realize this could be the last time you see each other. I found your web comic around las January and instantly fell in love, it was something i could relate to and yet find funny. The best part was that you never went out of your way to make a joke but found a way to seamlessly fuse it into every strip. Ever since I found your website it has just became something i automatically checked every morning just as seamlessly as i awoke and rose. Whatever you decide, you know that you have our support so don’t think that you have to appease us in any way whatsoever, you’re not our whore :P. But if you decide to come back(whether in two weeks, months,or years) we will always welcome you with open arms :D. And about making up an ending for Happysad, even though he may never get her love and affection he already has our endless love and affection.

    That was a little late but it was something i had to say.

  35. I have a friend who had a guy “begging” for like 3 yrs. she had several bfs,but none of those seemed to work out. so she decided to give the guy a chance. they are getting married this month.

    maybe she just needs to give it a try. just to get rid of the “what if…”

  36. I hope you don’t quit, Jeroen. Your comic is brilliant, even if it is “the same thing for so many years”. Each aspect of the people you portray relates to everyone somehow; However, it’s mainly the loneliness aspect. People see it, relate to it, and keep coming back because they think of how it sounds like them, and want to know how it ends.

    Don’t lie to us with the story, but please, don’t give up either.

  37. I know I’m way late to the commenting party, but I thought I should let you know this:

    I discovered your comic last year and was amazed not only by the simplicity of it, but the fact that I could relate to a lot of the comics. It’s sheer brilliance, in my opinion. How good does it feel to know that many people (including me) wake up every morning to go check and see if a new comic is up from you? I still do, even though I know you’re on a break. Just seeing a new comic up, without reading it, brings great happiness to me.

    Your fanbase is loyal. We will wait on you for days, weeks, hell, even a year just to see what you’ll do next. Your characters are lucid in our minds. You have never strayed far from the seemingly never-ending story you tell to us. Know that whatever choice you make from here on out, know that we’ll go along with it.

    Best wishes, and have a good break.

  38. I, quite literally, come here every day, in the hopes of a brief glimpse into the life of a bipolar little sticklyman, almost but not quite the same as me, and, well, everyone else who’s ever felt anything. That’s a brilliant accomplishment, Jeroen, and I /do/ hope you know it. T’ain’t everyone who can make one person into everybody. I dearly hope your creativity, passion, and emotion will find an outlet again soon for us all to marvel at. Yours is a rare gift.

    Sigh~ All I can say is that whether or not Mr. Happysad comes back, it’s been a heck of an honour riding this with you, Jeroen, and you, other assorted readers! A whole thousand strips.. Heck of an honour.

  39. You’re not the only one, I find myself returning here every morning and night religiously. I also hope for the little man’s return, he’s just become so deeply entwined into my daily schedule that I can’t help but come back to check on the little man. But your choice is yours and I understand if it’s time to end the strip. Do as you wish, we will always love your work, whatever form it has/may take.

  40. STUPID AVATAR!!!! WHY WON’T IT GO AWAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I can’t even take MYSELF seriously with that thing there… I doubt that anyone else takes me seriously…

  41. …maybe you should find an “argument” first – after all, the name of the character is not as importante as the content of the story board (jeroen’s litle guy is the perfect exemple)…I can’t remember any name at this moment, but i’ll let you know ;)

  42. I think that “Virge” is a good name – not as obvious as virgin, but still, sugestive. Beside, it has potential as you can the actual meaning of it for any joke. Whatever, just go for it ;)

  43. Don’t you associate the litle guy with jeroen? – i mean, people know it is fiction, but the boundary is quite blured – i like that.

    Anyway, every man is born a virgin, was a virgin, worried about it(i supose) -so what? [i can only offer a girl point of view, it's up to you to be the "macho" and decide]

    Honestly – the character IS your avatar – and the name associated IS Virge.

    You don’t have to make it explicit to start with (the virginity)…it could be just a young male character?

    PS- Virge actually means : Virtual Reality Graphics Engine ;)

  44. lol – I guess i’ve missunderstood. no worries.
    It was just a sugestion to begin with ;)
    mm…i still think it has potential, and i have a few ideas but in the end, its up to you.

  45. @ni: here’s one more comment for the never-ending-comment-string then (hehehehe).. the redundant http is also there on your profile-thing on twitter (not that I can see what a link for a profile I am already looking is good for ;))

  46. Jeroen has posted! do you think he will actually continue the same story, or bring us something new?
    (i told you i have issues on taking jeroens “space” in this blog…)

  47. I hope he returns but that’s still up in the air right now. The one thing I am worried about is if he starts something new and it turns out not to be as good as this one (even if it is good) because then it would be like the second child always trying to measure up to his big brother but always ending up stuck in his brother’s shadow.
    ( I don’t think he would mind since he doesn’t even use it anymore but if you don’t want to it’s fine, two just two left anyways :))

  48. To be honest, i agree with you – it will be hard to mesure up to this first set of posts.
    Also, i think that his feellings are changing…mabe this story should be as open any other real episode in our lifes. The positive thing, is that one episode is never the whole life – and it sure goes on…(? – does this makes sense??)
    (one more to go!! – i gues he doesn’t mind..:))

  49. THIEF!!!! I was gonna get the 100th post and you stole it. I’m gonna have to get payback now ;). And no, that didn’t make sense, or maybe i’m reading it wrong…

  50. i guess its enough, since i am making no sense already :X
    Lets just wait for Jeroen and see how/if it goes?

    PS. rickrolling ??!! really?!!! [i was at work, you know? - it was hillarious!]

    take care ;)

  51. I’ve made my first fan-art already (except for my own webcomic being a sort of a tribute to his stile, but enough about that).. just waiting to publish it on a day when it fits ;)

  52. *scratches head* Ingredientx + lev… hmmmmm…. you could just put the link on your name.

    (P.S. XD I just had to do it, I guess we’re even though ;) )

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